- Customer Pilot Info

Welcome Customer Pilot Participants!

Welcome, and congratulations on being selected as a participant in Port Authority's ConnectCard customer pilot. You will play an important role in helping Port Authority test its new smart card fare payment system.

By now you should have received your ConnectCard in the mail. You can start using your card Monday, August 13, unless you are a monthly pass user. Monthly pass users should use a paper pass for August and can start using their ConnectCard on Saturday, September 1.

In order to begin using your card, first sign up for balance protection by calling 412-442-2000, then load your card at Port Authority's Downtown Service Center, select Giant Eagle stores or at ConnectCard vending machines. View locations.

For questions or to report a problem with your ConnectCard, please contact Customer Service at 412-442-2000 (TTY: 412-231-7007) or visit our Downtown Service Center located at 623 Smithfield Street.

View more information:

Customer Pilot Brochure

Pilot program participants received a brochure along with the ConnectCard that was mailed to them. View the brochure here (PDF).

Customer Pilot Frequently Asked Questions

Need to know how to use a transfer with ConnectCard or how to check your card balance? Everything you need to know about ConnectCard is covered in our FAQs section (PDF). Still have questions after reading? Please call Customer Service at 412-442-2000 (TTY: 412-231-7007) or stop by our Service Center in Downtown Pittsburgh, located at 623 Smithfield Street.

Map: Where to Load ConnectCard During Pilot

During the pilot, ConnectCard loading and balance checking will be available at two Giant Eagle locations, our Downtown Service Center and at ConnectCard machines at select T and busway stations. Once ConnectCard is fully launched to the public, there will be many more convenient locations to choose from! View our map below to see where to load your ConnectCard during the pilot.

Click here to open map in new window.

Video: How to Use ConnectCard Vending Machines

Check back soon for a helpful video showing how to use our new ConnectCard vending machines to load your card.

In the meantime, feel free to view our flier (PDF) showing how to load cash value and passes on your ConnectCard

At the Farebox

When you tap your ConnectCard, be sure to listen for beeps and look for the message on the display screen on the farebox. A single beep means your card has been accepted. A triple beep indicates an error - please slowly tap again.

If your card is accepted, the farebox will display the type of pass/fare used and your balance, if applicable. If there's an error, a number of different messages may be displayed. Please see our farebox flier (PDF) to view all possible farebox messages and what they mean.

Terms & Conditions

View ConnectCard terms and conditions (PDF).

Please note that certain portions of the Terms of Use for Port Authority's ConnectCard Program will not be applicable or active until the ConnectCard Program is fully implemented and available to the general public system-wide. For questions on the terms and conditions, please contact Customer Service at 412-442-2000 (TTY: 412-231-7007).

Privacy Policy

View ConnectCard privacy policy (PDF).

Please note that certain portions of the Privacy Policy for Port Authority's ConnectCard Program will not be applicable or active until the ConnectCard Program is fully implemented and available to the general public system-wide. For questions on the policy, please contact Customer Service at 412-442-2000 (TTY: 412-231-7007).